EXIT FunPark
Building a virtual online theme park.
Building a virtual online theme park.
International Web Page Award's Certificate Of Creative Achievement
When challenged with building something to engage different age groups of kids and their parents, all common website dogma was thrown overboard to be replaced with the concept of a virtual online theme park. As in real life, the EXIT FunPark was built with attractions in the form of interactive quizzes and games, that entertained kids of different ages as well as their parents. A collaborative project, besides the team of multimedia creatives, groups of musicians were involved to bring an original musical score to the site.
When challenged with building something to engage different age groups of kids and their parents, all common website dogma was thrown overboard to be replaced with the concept of a virtual online theme park. As in real life, the EXIT FunPark was built with attractions in the form of interactive quizzes and games, that entertained kids of different ages as well as their parents. A collaborative project, besides the team of multimedia creatives, groups of musicians were involved to bring an original musical score to the site.

When playing the Celine game, cut-out pictures of Celine clothing were presented as printable bonuses.
A Celine dress-up cardboard figure could be obtained for free in the stores for use with the prints.
A Celine dress-up cardboard figure could be obtained for free in the stores for use with the prints.